>> Friday, November 25, 2005


Cars ran out of gas. Generators ran out of diesel. Shops ran out of stock. My body just ran out of food. After an hour and a half of battle on top of Menara Naluri, I almost passed out.

Immediately after the game, I felt like puking was the only chance to sustain my consciousness. To make it even worse, I had actually spent the final half of an ‘office’ hour in the toilet earlier. The Wednesday’s symptoms had come out again. I lied down as soon as I reached home, took a shower, and prayed. I’ve never felt fatigue to this extent before. My hands were numb. I didn’t feel like enough blood was flowing into my head. Mom and Alya helped to reduce the pain with a little lateral head massage. Thanks. Nevertheless, it was Asri’s big day so I bought him a book of numbers from Kinokuniya earlier despite the uneasiness of heading there from Menara. Stomach spins could slow down your walk, you know.


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