>> Thursday, December 29, 2005

The Return

Returning to the mainland was and has always been the best part even for the most situational visitors and support engineers. An operator once told me that the best part of the job was to actually go off for two weeks. It’s been hectic on the day of crew change as I was trying to sort out some paperwork. It’s true. When you’re new to the job, nobody listens to you and your needs. It was just a simple paper that needed to be endorsed by a few personnel so that the transfer could be done. I had to go up and down, frantically looking for a way to resolve the issue in time because the transport to go out would arrive soon. I didn’t go overseas to study how to chase papers effectively. I didn’t sign up for this. (That may sound a bit arrogant but this is truly labor-inefficient in my point of view. Somebody has got to look at this issue sooner or later.)

The fixed-wing was in a bad shape so I had to take the other route. It’s a good thing I could stop by for some ‘keropok gote’, fortunately get on an earlier flight than the one booked, and arrive at a closer yet less crowded airport. Alhamdulillah.


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