>> Monday, January 23, 2006


Inner Growth - Peace comes with rest & comfort

A peaceful mind is one in which all our energy is gathered and focused on our natural quality of peace. It is a dynamic state which clarifies the mind & brings feelings of rest, confident and joyfulness. Only a peaceful mind can make decisions which do not sow seeds of problem.

Some people think that to be peaceful means to be ineffectual in life - quite the opposite. We live in a world where success is still measured in physical terms, and to be successful in that sense, one has to be competitive, aggressive, and to some extent, dishonest. To be able to remain true to yourself under such circumstances requires the clarify & strength that silence readily gives. This is what being successful realy means.

We have become accustomed to a mentally unfit, flexible state in which our thoughts tumble around like clothes in a washing machine, often never becoming resolved but are as entangled as ever. Do not waste time on this. Our mind needs to be restored to its natural state of peace.

Thought for reflection: Life is too short to waste on hatred or revenge. Let us maintain our peace. (source: some newspaper section)

My only wish now is to have a slightly easier job with fun environment equipped with the latest of tech. I don't care about promotion, office politics, building career resume, etc. Those are the corporate lifestyle that I don't want to be too obsessed about. I just want to do an honest job and everything will take care of itself.

I visited Hj. Mohamad. Hj. Isnin, a veteran metering engineer after giving him a ride home. It was raining heavily and his son had another arrangement after office hour. Cyberjaya was cool.


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