>> Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Time stops for a while if you're creating a dimension in your own world. There's a reason for doing that and the time-halt effect was of course not real but almost entirely too real to be denied. I'm not going to talk about creating what dimension and which kind because that would be knowing me personally, :), which has to happen in person, personally, and not here. But I do want to touch on the subject of allowing for a space inside your heart to grow. It's good development but if it goes beyond proportion..hmm.. Nah. I'm not going to continue. That would be personal as well.

Look at two closely placed, straight, and parallel lines. Both lines are alike. Things are in line, mutual and they both seem to be getting along well. But they never cross each other. No matter how long and how far the extrapolations are, infinitely, they will never cross. But if one is slightly slanted, they will both cross path eventually. The only questions are when and how far. Can't make the connection? Think deeper. :)


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