>> Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Have I mentioned that several engineers alongside a plant supervisor and a company planner have recently left the organization ? Yeah, attrition is normal. But not if it all happened in a single month. That's nearly a century of experience gone in the month of August alone. Causing an alarm to management, judging by a dialogue recently held, more and more folks are finding it not attractive to stay anymore. More manpower are being pulled in to fill in the blanks, but it is just not possible to replace your men in an instant.

You don't need to be a genius to figure out the governing principle of the decision to move. Here it is:

Pain / Gain

If this ratio is high, it becomes a pushing factor. Especially when you have observed low ratios anywhere else. Even if the gain elsewhere is much lower relative to the current gain, if the overall ratio is still lower because relative pain is now much much less, elsewhere retains its appeal.

Nevertheless, even if we understand the mechanism, how do we stop the epidemic? We know now that we have to reduce that ratio, but how? Well, by now we should also realize what the big paychecks to management are for. :)


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