>> Friday, April 06, 2007

Behind the Ad

You must have seen on employer's job opening ads phrases like:
  • Join our fast-paced team
  • Must be deadline oriented
  • Duties will vary
  • Seeking candidates with a wide variety of experience
  • Problem-solving skills a must
  • Good communication skills
The hidden truths inside those criteria:
  • Join our fast-paced team - we have no time to train you.
  • Must be deadline oriented - the job you take on the 1st day is 6 month behind schedule.
  • Duties will vary - anyone in the office can boss you around.
  • Seeking candidates with a wide variety of experience - you will need to replace three people who just left.
  • Problem-solving skills a must - you're walking into a company in perpetual chaos.
  • Good communication skills - management communicates, you listen & figure out what they want and do it.
I got it from somewhere (forgot the source again) and modified it a little. I used to not bother about all those Dilbert like, work satire at all. Now I'm taking all those seriously. LOL.


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