>> Thursday, December 08, 2005


How do you articulately describe a glitch of communication between you and your senior employee to your supervisor, and vice versa? It’s rather difficult, isn’t it? In fact, this is the main difference between the real world and college. For those who have been in the workforce for a while, let me ask you a question. Didn’t you wish to go back to college in the early days?

The department’s away day was compulsory for everybody. We bowled for the evening, releasing all the pressure as much as we could. During the second round, I had miraculously produced spairs and strikes, one after another, consecutively for the first 7 throws. The longest streak of strikes was like 5. It was unbelievable. Towards the end of that round, everybody crowded at the back, getting excited, teasing me for being too good. One guy mentioned, “Wrong profession, man.” With that amount of attention, I slacked off a bit and didn’t produce anything for the last 3 throws. Nevertheless, 187 was the highest score, though the most valuable player went to Nordin from Drafting. Apparently, he’s more consistent with higher score on the first round. This explains the saying, “If you think you’re good, there’s always someone better. If you think you’re not too good, there’s always someone worse,” (which also explains the bell-curve of normal distribution.)


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