>> Friday, December 15, 2006

Never Regret A Glory

I'm beginning to doubt the sacrifice I made 7 days ago. A glory to you may not be a glory to someone else, right? If you bear the cost alone and not being appreciated at all at the same time, it's pretty close to any worthless stunts already done.

Forget all that. Let's shine some light. Perhaps I just wanted to perform my very best they way I know how to. That's all. I was a little out of line maybe, but it's the single most enjoyable moment I have ever had ever since joining the work force. You never know what you lose when you let go of an opportunity.

**I sounded like van Nistelrooy after a discord with the manager/coach. LOL.

I haven't been able to write properly and convey my ideas in here lately. Things are piling up so quickly, I haven't be able to take the time and outline it.


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